
Friday, February 10, 2012

Follow-up to 'Coming to terms with my homosexuality at the University of Notre Dame'

As I sit here at my computer, I'm shocked to see what I find. About 24 hours after I've posted the 'Coming to terms' article, the post has nearly 1000 hits. ONE.THOUSAND. Wow. It's incredible. Thank you to all who read my article and shared/passed it on to others. It has been incredible - the amount of pick up that it has gotten. And for that I want to thank each and every one of you who took the time to read my 2,200 word story. It's overwhelming really. I'm not used to receiving this much attention for something. But thank you from the bottom of my heart and keep fighting the good fight that we are all in together to bring more equality into this world. 

I wanted to clarify something from the post -

To be honest, I personally don't like the word 'homosexual.' Something about it irks me, probably because of the societal conotations it contains. But I thought it was important to mention it not only in the title but also throughout the post itself. For my own sake, I need to get more comfortable with the word and grow accustomed to it. With the articles I've seen lately and GOP candidates stances (cough Rick Santorum cough) I felt it was important to show the word not as a curse of some kind. But with a face behind the word. That yes I am a homosexual. And yes my relationship was that of the homosexual nature. And these are the things I went through. Plain and simple. I'm not here to attack your kids, my mind is not always on sex, and I know that Jesus loves me, not matter how judgmental you might be. Because in the end, it is Him that judges me, not you. So I can care less what you think. (That last part was not meant to sound bitchy, I promise haha)

A lot of people have given me praise for what I have written. And again, I thank you for the kind words, they mean so much to me. But I feel like I don't deserve it. I'm only one story in the struggle of LGBT rights at Notre Dame. And my struggle isn't that bad compared to what many, especially homosexual males, have had to face during their time at Notre Dame. But I plead with them, please tell your story. You don't have to suffer under the weight of it alone. From just the 1,000 hits, there are 1,000 people that love you already. 

Anyway, I just wanted to take the time to say that I love you all and thank you for the support. Spreading the movement, especially that of 4 to 5 is important. Though my blog post had to be cut down significantly to 1000 words, I hope the same message comes across when the post is published to HuffPost Gay and HuffPost College (WTF I'M BEING PUBLISHED?!). 

Have a great night <3


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