I'm sure that thousands if not millions of people have written or blogged about this subject pre- and now post- wedding. But I feel like it is something that I should at least address. I've found that people are on either spectrum when asked how they feel about the Royal Wedding. Most women have told me that they love the wedding bliss, are fascinated and want to be Kate Middleton and idolize her road to becoming a princess, and find Prince William (now of course the Duke of Cambridge) smashingly handsome.
Tweets such as:
MissSchweg: You can get a replica of her ring and engagement dress. Why can't you get hair like hers too?? #katemiddleton #royalwedding #obsessed
cgalleg1: AHHHH official royal wedding program is available for download. Guess what I'll be doing in my 300-person lecture today?
(love you Chels and Lizzie!!)
What is with the British fascination? Is it because this royal couple is unlike previous couples? Is it because Kate has been frequently mentioned to be a 'commoner' though her family has become incredibly wealthy? Or is it women's fascination with becoming princesses themselves, and in seeing Kate's life, they swoon at her luck?
There are also the views of some [college] men who were only concerned with watching Kate Middleton and her attractiveness.
Then there is the other side, mostly college men, that give either the patriotic view or the 'I can care less' view. The patriotic view involves their proud jeers--for example:
Taken from Facebook: "You know what would have made this royal wedding kinda cool? If they were Americans.
Either way, I cannot remove myself from the view of these women who were so pro-Royal Wedding. Of course, I did not tweet about it or Facebook about it, nor did I actually get up at 5 in the morning to watch the broadcast of the wedding. BUT, I would be lying to myself if I did not say that since I got up at 7:30 am until around 12:30 pm, I was constantly searching online for highlights of the wedding, wanting to catch glimpses of the royal wedding dress and the ceremony itself. Plus, it was in my own guilty pleasure that I wanted to watch glimpses of the ceremony since I failed to pay the entrance fee into Westminster Abbey, something I regretfully did not have time to do during my semester abroad in London (note to self: don't skip out on a 13 pound opportunity).
All that aside, the royal wedding photos have been released and I wanted to share the link to see them (don't want to post them since I don't have the rights to them, sorry!!):
Signing out,
tee hee, i'm famous. love ya too ladyyy!